English Benchmark Exam Data
Tasks from the English Benchmark exams (from 2019 -2015) are collated in a chart and pegged to skills from the syllabus.

English Benchmark Exam Data
Tasks from the English Benchmark exams (from 2019 -2015) are collated in a chart and pegged to skills from the syllabus.

The following documents and links are meant to help Year 5 teachers prepare their learners for the English Annual Examination.

Year 5 Writing Task 2 and Marking Criteria - Specimen
Writing Task 2 for Year 5 (as from Annual Exams 2024)

Year 5 Annual Examination Guidelines
The Examination Guidelines outlines the structure and layout of the English Year 5 Examination and how Learning Outcomes are embedded within the exam.
Year 5 Annual Examination Guidelines
Year 5 Specimen Paper

The Specimen Paper 2022 intended for Year 5 learners, shows how the English Annual Paper for Year 5 will be set following the introduction of the Learning Outcomes Framework in September 2022.
Speaking Listening
Teacher's Paper Teacher's Paper
Student's Paper Student's Paper
Reading and Writing Marking Scheme

Year 5 Annual Examinations Data
Tasks from Year 5 English Annual Exams are collated in a chart and pegged to skills from the syllabus.