English Benchmark Exam Data
Tasks from the English Benchmark exams (from 2019 -2015) are collated in a chart and pegged to skills from the syllabus.

English Benchmark Exam Data
Tasks from the English Benchmark exams (from 2019 -2015) are collated in a chart and pegged to skills from the syllabus.

Deciding and planning what, when and how to teach your learners throughout the year can be a daunting task leaving even the most experienced of teachers feeling overwhelmed. That is why we have collaborated with teachers of Year 5 and put together a collection of schemes of work and supporting material ready for use. Each scheme of work shows how to plan learning activities that not only address the learning outcomes but also help the learners achieve the skills needed to help them in their writing task. Some themes feature more than once, but the learning activities included vary as the end result (the writing task) is different.

Scheme of Work - Media
The following scheme of work focuses on the topic Media . It targets the writing of an opinion article about the use of mobile phones.
Lesson 1- Worksheet - Smartphones
Lesson 2 - Reading comprehension questions
Lesson 4 - Opinion Statements - Sorting Activity

Scheme of Work - Food and Drink
The following scheme of work focuses on the topic Food and Drink and uses material from Macmillan 4. It targets the writing of a non-chronological report about the importance of eating healthy food.

Scheme of Work - Food and Drink
The following scheme of work focuses on the topic Food and Drink and uses material from Macmillan 4. It targets the reading and writing of a recipe.
Lesson 1- Worksheet 1: Listening to a recipe
Lesson 3 - Poem: Chocolate Cake

Scheme of Work - The Natural World and Wildlife
The following scheme of work focuses on the subtopic Animals and uses material from Macmillan 4. It targets the writing of a non-chronological report.
Lesson 1- Worksheet 1: Fabulous Creatures
Lesson 1 - Worksheet 2: Gathering Information
Lesson 2 - Worksheet: All about Ants
Lesson 3 - Worksheet: Comparing Poems
Lesson 4 - PPT - Talking about animals

Sample Scheme of Work (based on old syllabus)
Scheme of Work for Year 5 on the Topic Sports