English Benchmark Exam Data
Tasks from the English Benchmark exams (from 2019 -2015) are collated in a chart and pegged to skills from the syllabus.
English Benchmark Exam Data
Tasks from the English Benchmark exams (from 2019 -2015) are collated in a chart and pegged to skills from the syllabus.
Writing Performance Indicators
When assessing a lengthy writing assignment, we suggest using the writing marking scheme and tailoring the criteria to fit the specific genre. Nevertheless, this task can pose challenges. For example, distinguishing language usage between a non-chronological report and a story can be tricky, leading educators to face difficulty in providing a fair and consistent evaluation.
To assist you in this process, we have developed performance indicators tailored to each of the longer writing genres. These writing performance indicators go hand-in-hand with the marking criteria for writing available in each of the supporting documents. For ease of reference we have included the Writing Marking Criteria in the sections below.
Year 3
Year 4
Non-Chronological Report
Year 5
Non-Chronological Report
Opinion Article
Year 6
Non-Chronological Report
Opinion Article
Writing Genre for Level 5
The Writing Genre Pack contains writing frames and templates for each writing genre in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5.